Indian Medical Association West Ghaziabad Branch organised 3rd SPARSH HEALTH MELA on 17th November 2013 at SunValley International School Vaishali. This mela was the biggest community health awareness program for public benefit.
Around 150 doctors from different specialty and superspecialty participated in the mela and offered their services free of cost in form of consultations , investigations and medicines. School children and volunteers presented different health related issues before visitors in form of charts, models, lectures and nukkad plays. More than 20 NGOs supported mela in different forms. Blood donation camp during mela collected 80 units of blood.
5000 students from 16 public schools participated in SPARSH INTER-SCHOOL HEALTH QUIZ which was very well appreciated for raising health awareness among school students .There was a drawing and painting competition for sensitising young children for benefits of good health. Media also recognised efforts of IMA in providing a common platform for maximum benefit of public.
This year 4th SPARSH HEALTH MELA will be organised on Sunday 16th November 2014 at Sun Valley International School Sector- 1 Vaishali.
All are welcome to enjoy GOOD HEALTH.
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।

2nd Sparsh Inter-School Health Quiz
(Organised by IMA Indian Medical Association West Ghaziabad Branch)
Rules & Regulations:
1. Students of class IX and X can participate in this health quiz.
2. There is NO registration fee for participating in quiz. All the students of above classes can participate in this quiz.
3. Preliminary round of quiz will be organized in the respective schools after consultation with school management as per their convenience. Top two students (either from same or different class) will be the winner of the preliminary round.
4. Top 2 students will make a team which will represent their school in the Final round ofSPARSH HEALTH MELA to be organized on November 16, 2014 (Sunday) at Sun Valley International School, Sector-1, Vaishali, Ghaziabad.
5.Each team is requested to report sharp at 8.30 am at the reception of Sun Valley International School on November 16, 2014 along with their teachers, preferably in school uniform with Identity Card.
6.There will be arrangement for light refreshment for participants and accompanying teachers at the venue.
7. Preliminary and final round of quiz will consist of questions related to health and will be based on creating awareness among students. There will be MCQs and fill in the blanks type questions.
8. Each participating student will get a Certificate of Participation from “Indian Medical Association” and winners will get attractive prizes.
9. Final decision of “Indian Medical Association” will be binding to all.
Please note that “SPARSH HEALTH MELA” is open for all. All are welcome to visit Health Mela between 9 am to 1 pm on November 16, 2014 (Sunday) at Sun Valley International School, Sector-1, Vaishali, Ghaziabad.There will be multiple activities for all the age groups including drawing and painting competition, etc.
Contact Persons:
Dr. Sachin Bhargava Rtn. Viplava Kumar
Mob: +91-8010247247
+91-8010247247 Mob: +91-9312501492
For glimpses of last year Sparsh Health Mela watch